Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Starting from Now!

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Is the wait person before he became more powerful than the personal feeling lazy and doubts?

Some people are just waiting for the sense of sincerity to work diligently and hard. Just wait. But he felt it was trying just to wait.

But definitely do not need to wait is a weakness that will require life working hard at a time when too old to work.

People who are lazy in their youth will be forced to work hard in the frail elderly.

There have been many proven. Look around you.

Do not attempt to prove that we can be an example of a weak parent useless.

Lazy in youth is the cause of poverty in old age.

Just believe. Do not use yourself and your life to prove it.

Do not wait any longer.

Starting from Now!

May be Clean, Strong and dignified

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May be Clean, Strong and dignified
Not everyone who inherits wealth, deserve to be rich.

Like not all children of the poor, the poor will remain.

We are pemantas ourselves to the success we want.

No man can become rich, rank, and fame - which can last a long time in the quality of it, if she does not maintain her decorum.

Money does not automatically make someone respectable, like poverty does not automatically make it contemptible.

The glory of the soul and sincerity to work for the happiness of others is the true degree of improvement.

May God reward your honesty and hard work,
to exalt you,
in a loving family,
in a brilliant career,
and prosperous life.


It should be pointed out that activities carried Ramdahan month

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Early on we impart to them the activities that should be conducted in the month of Ramadan, so ingrained in them it is a must do activity for God is not karean forced. 

The activities which our examples are the face of the meal before the first day in the evening we demonstrated with prayer circumcision obligatory pilgrimage TARWIH after evening prayers in congregation, Stages are as follows:

After giving we demonstrated how to perform ablutions and prayer intentions to even read silently but teap be read properly, its intention is as follows:

When his own:

When the congregation then his intentions:
usholli sunnatattarawihi rak’ataini mustaqbilalqiblati ma-muman lillahi ta’ala

When a priest then his intentions:
usholli sunnatattarawihi rak’ataini mustaqbilalqiblati Imaamaan lillahi ta’ala

Then do Tarwih accordance with the ideology held by 2 cycles greetings, greetings 4 cycles, if you can not see or know how to pray Salat further guidance is addressed this:

2.How to complete the readings and prayer movement

Doing tadarus Al Quran so that they hear and listen and record readings from the readings that we submit to the good and right according to the rules in the science of recitation
Lead If we as men as heads of families in reading the Quran verse by verse with the first example, then rotate one after the other family members, fix if someone expects to be fixed with the blessing of Allah SWT.

Feel free men in the house when it turns out no one can read the Qur'an led by women

sleep to relax the body

Wake up third last night continued with prayers tahajut 

Then do Tahajut accordance with the ideology held by 2 cycles greetings, greetings 4 cycles, Then cover with witr 3 cycles (2 cycles and greetings, and a greeting cycles), 

The value of prayer Tahajud:

and there are cycles juga3 greetings) 

Witr prayer intentions: 

If you can not see or know how to pray Salat further guidance is addressed this:

How to complete the readings and prayer movement

Rest and eat the meal prepared 

Before eating a meal then impart to our children in advance his intention, namely:

Nawaytu Shauma Ghadin 'An Adaa i Fardhi Syahri Ramdhaana Haadzihis Sanati lillaahi ta'aalaa

Then with a potluck meal and taste, Body and Spirit in order to be ready to fight against yourself
Followed by performing the dawn prayer in congregation 

Learn more complete prayer guidance...
Keeping away from the canceling Fasting in doing activities during the day to break the fast 

Here we embed the activities that is focused on approaches to GOD Almighty, rather than to love His creation, namely:

Clean up the fouled Heart, Tongue, and our actions can lead us away from GOD Almighty dlakukan between and prior to the following activities:

Enforce the Sunnah Prayer Duha
Noon Prayer enforce mandatory
Enforcing Mandatory Asr Prayers

Especially as a father give a good example in the month of Ramadan dismiss their routine activities (been prepared 11 months earlier) and reproduce more attention to the family, because his wife and children are entrusted GOD, if neglected, is it possible to expect his blessing?.

As a mother / wife make us role models for our children

Breaking with joy for the gift of Allah SWT
Hasten breaking the spiritual and physical, starting with the following intentions:

Hasten breaking the spiritual and physical, starting with the following intentions:
Keep away from the temptation of Satan Cs, then Break your fast with a meal and a drink for our physical and spiritual sharing to us

Enforcing Mandatory Maghrib Prayer

Isha quick break waiting time

Physical awareness towards spiritual beauty

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Compassionate soul.
Soul harmony.
Complicated soul.

Clear physical consciousness, the soul will move towards clean,
Spiritual beauty of silence, changing move towards a clean soul.

Net soul will emit Compassion.
Net soul will thrill Budi Luhur.

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Stages to be traversed by the SUCCESS

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The first is the turmoil for its own sake.

Having grow up and established, you will feel the turmoil the second, which is for the good of others.

So, now, even I also feel the turmoil - not for my own sake anymore, but for others. It was a troubled adult.

Troubled adults do not feel pain and stinging like galaunya young people who have not been clearly love and career.

Many young people bergalau ria about love, that you forget to be a class act in a successful career.

Do not often use the excuse HUMANE. There is a great human being. Do not use for reasons of weakness.

Great people, I never said human success. Only weak people who say my human failing.

Troubled young people who would love to abandon the appearance, health, relationships, until completely undesirable.


The most upset are those who find it interesting but cancel their own charm with no conscious.

People who are lower appeal, not only to be problematic in love, but in all aspects of life.

Actually, we've naturally attractive, but sometimes CHOICE way smile, words and attitude we like repel others.

Most young people are the original aquatic, aquatic creatures, the evidence - they immediately upset if it rains.

Ridicule charisma is not attractive, who are jealous of your popularity. Woles ONLY!

To tell you that my charisma, whispering:
Better charisma, rather than stocking plebeian. I dazzle, you?

Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Instill early on in reading the five obligatory prayers worship

1.Reading when standing upright

Silent and calm focus to start the Prayer, Reading when standing upright
Silent and calm focus to start the prayer, and then intends to myself (but when to teach it to say clearly) in accordance with the prayer to be performed are:

Morning prayer intentions:

Ushalli Fardhal Shubhi Rak'atayni Mustaqbilal Qiblati adaa An makmuumaan or imaamaan Lillaahita'aalaa

Noon Prayer Intentions

Ushallii Fardhuzh Zhuhri Arba'a Rakta'aatin Adaa an lillaahita'aala

Asr Prayer Intentions

Ushalli Fardhal 'Ashri Arba'a Raka'aatin Adaa an lllaahi ta'aalaa

intention evening prayers

Ushallii fardhal Maghribi tsalaa tsa raka'aatn mustaqbilal qiblati Adaa an Makmuumaan or Imaamaan Lillaahi Ta'aalaa

Isha Prayer Intentions'

Ushallii Fardhal 'isyaa i Arba'a raka'aatn Adaa an lillaahi Ta'aalaa

2.Held up both hands and reading time takbiratul Ihram

Allaahu Akbar
3. Put the palms on the chest with the palm of his right hand holding his left hand, then read:
Kabiiran walhamulillaahi katsiiran wasubhaanallaah bukratan wa ashiilaan

Innii Wajahtu Wajhiya lillazii fataras Samaa Waati Walardha Haniifan Muslimaan Wamaa Anaa minal Musyrikiina

Innashalaatii Wanusukii wamahyaaya Wamamaatii Lillaahi rabbil 'Aalamiin

Laa Syariikalaahu Wabizaa lika Umirtu Wa Anaa minal Muslmiina

4.Read Al Fatiha with a clear voice properly

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim
Alhamdulillaahi Rabil 'Aalamiin
Ar-Rahmaanir Rahiim
Maalikiyau Middiin
Iyyaa kana' budu Waiyyaa kansta'in
Ihdnash Shirathal Mustaqiim
Shiraathal Laziina an'amta 'alaihim
Ghairil Maghduu bi'alaihim, Waladhaalliin

and read Allaahu Akbar

5.Reading while bowing
and read

Subhaana Rabbiyal 'Aziimi Wabihamdihi , read a third time

and read Sami'allahuliman Hamidah

6.Held up both hands and Reading i'tidal

Rabbanaa Lakalhamdu Wamil ussamaawaati wamil ul ardhi Wamil umaa Syikta Min Syayiin Ba'du

and read Allaahu Akbar

7.Reading while prostrating

Subhaana Rabbiyal A'laa Wabihamdihi, read a third time then read Allahu Akbar

and read Allaahu AKbar
8.Reading while sitting between the two prostrations

Rabbil Firlii Warhamnii Wajburnii
Warfa'nii Warzuknii Wahdnii
Wa'aa finii Wa'fu'annii

and read Allaahu Akbar

9.Reading at the end Tasyhud

Attahiyyaatul Mubaara kaatush Shalawaatut Thayyibaatul Lillaahi
Assalamu'alaika Ayyuhan Nabiyyu Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu
Assalaamu'alainaa Wa'alaa 'ibaadillaahis Shaalihiin
Asyhadu Anlaa Ilaaha illallaahu Wa Asyhadu Annamuhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuululhu

Allaahuma Shalli 'Alaa Muhammadin Wa'ala Aali Muhammadin Kamaa Shallayta 'Alaa Aali
Ibraahima. Wabaarik 'Alaa Muhammadin Wa'Alaa Aali Muhammadin Kamaa Barakta 'Alaa Aali
Ibraahiima. Fil'aalamiina Innaka Hamiidum Majiidun

and read Reading when first greeting:

Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh

then closed with regards second reading:

Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh


Keep in mind:
For parents who would follow the example of prayer just as we have mastered over the course up first how to read the Qur'an, like you I coud do not like-what it is first. Please go to this link address to learn to read Al Aqur'an

Please read further to know how to pray the obligatory prayers and circumcision ..

Worship in the religion ISLAM

Before proceeding to the next step, prove that the Muslims can read Quran properly so that it will only be proved by referring to the Qur'an tu be saved, because:
Believe God is the only God and Muhammad is His Messenger so willing to learn the Qur'an. like that can not just learn it at the following link:

First of all we should do about the doctrinal Allah is the only God and Muhammad is His Messenger, the next thing to do is to teach the following:

1.How to Prays
Before carrying out the prayers we must implement Wudu 'first then we start praying, to know the stages in berwuduk lebh please read ... of Wudu

Early on our parents instilled in them that a Muslim tu obey the commands of Allah and carry out, where we cited literature readings and prayer movements in general include:

  1. Stand up straight and then read the intention (in the liver)
  2. Raised both hands, and then read takbiratul Ihram and reciting prayers iftitah described (in the liver), and then continued reading al fatiha harden properly and recommended plus reading the verses of the Quran is also well-defined and properly
  3. Second hand pick and read takbiratul ihram
  4. perform Ruku, then read the prayer bow, then pick two hands
  5. Read sami'allaahuliman hamidah, memabca do i'tidal, then read takbiratul ihram
  6. Prostration, prostration prayer read, then read takbiratul ihram
  7. do they sit between the two prostrations, and reciting prayers, reading alu takbiratul ihram
  8. Sitting Tasyhut end, and read prayers, reading the first greeting, looking away to the right, and then closed by reading greetings, looking away to the left

After prayers do we want to pray according to, Stages in prayer please read more ...

2.How Fasting

There are two main activities that need uta we demonstrated to our children, namely:
Activities at night
Activities during the day

To be more explicit please read more ...

3.Way to tithe
The aim of instilling early on in terms of Zakat is issued separately cultivate in themselves to deliver deposited with the trust of God to us in accordance with our conditions of that time, so we do not let it pile up and deposit taken forcibly by which entrust to us

for more details please read further

4.Way Up Hajji
Hajji pilgrimage is because top INVITATION GOD, therefore we invite them early on to save as tangible evidence of his actions, so ingrained in them that berhajji it is mandatory for every human being. Physically savings is we allow our bodies doing the will of our spiritual pillar of Islam to continue to perform regularly and continuously

silanhkan read more for more details


Utility independence in CONVERSATION, if not SHUT
SIGHT independent in that vision, if not close your
independent in the sense of smell odorous Lord, if not ignore
HEARING independence in which the Lord invites if not do not listen

start of the three media delights in our SELF are:
ORAL who delivered that have the desired
HAND TALK embodies the ruling, hearing, smell, and SIGHT

Let young people in Indonesia Merdeka yourself spending your life ration, already nearly 67 years we have freed from colonialism that other party, but we have not become SELF INDEPENDENT CAN own. Do they need to be approached again here in order to be motivated to change?


Simplicity is actually a very beautiful property.

In the simplicity of the one, all the beauty of standing.

Without an honest simplicity, grandeur whatever quality is just temporary, which will collapse in regret and shame

Motivation 5


Be patient.

That now you feel as a painful sacrifice, actually the fees you have to pay for a better life and stronger in the future.

Be patient. Future more peaceful, airy, and lend your heart will come.

Be patient. There is no good that can be accomplished without patience you.

Motivation 4

God, the one I wake tomorrow morning in the life of a peaceful, healthy, loving, nice and smooth and sustenance.

About my concerns, let me not know my future, but help me up in a future of peace and rich.

And I pray God, a success at me as young as possible, so a lot and soon I was doing for my parents happiness.


Always be in front and above ability.
Being greedy self disudutnya blackened.
Desire, as there is no clear boundary dikehidupan.

Find where the Point desire, met with Him.
Knowing point want to meet Him in the Form.
It baraqah, the grace of the Supreme UNIVERSE.

Good intentions are not enough to Goodness.
New Physical Peniatan pray.
True intentions are not enough to Truth.


True love is who has lived and owned in various exam

Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Teachers Agree There Auction Title Principal

Teachers Agree There Auction Title Principal

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - After holding the position or promotion selection auction is open to village chiefs, provincial government (Government) DKI Jakarta will also hold an auction for the post of principal. So, how do the teachers about the plan?

Chaeruddin, Head Elementary School 02 Lower Dam, Central Jakarta plans auction to support that position. According to him, through an auction mechanism, the principal elected later that people actually have the ability to lead the school.

"I agree 100 percent because it's for quality improvement. Moreover, it's an auction based on performance, not based on money," he said that only two years as head of the school, on Monday (15/7).

Chaeruddin judge, the selection of existing principals have been less transparent. Therefore, the principal candidates elected directly by the superintendent of the local district education office to take the test.
However, through the auction, he said, all teachers can take the test for qualified, and from there it can be seen who is potentially.

The bespectacled man confessed, he could be the beginning of the school principal because elected to outstanding teachers. For his achievement, he included in the selection of school principals.

If you look at the selection before district and village heads, sure Chaeruddin principal office auction will also be successful. "I'm also ready for selection again if I have to," he who has 32 ​​years as a teacher.

Other teachers, Tobi, also claimed to agree with the principal office of discourse auction. Nevertheless, he was a little disappointed not to be able to follow the selection, because they existed as part-time teachers. "Pray, yes so I quickly removed," he said.

Reporter: Halimatus Sa'diyah
Editor: Djibril Muhammad

Structuring Teachers Do More Urgent

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PURBALINGGA - The issue of the problem of shortage of teachers, the possibility is not entirely true.
Priority USAID Governance Specialist, Day Riyadi, argued, fundamental data berdasatkan education (Dapondik) in the Ministry of Education of Indonesia, Indonesia experienced a surplus.
"It's not much, only about 500 excess teachers. But this shows that we are not a shortage of teachers," he said, in Purbalingga, Friday (19/7).
Based on this data, if mentioned in one area there is a shortage of teachers, it is actually happening is more due to the uneven distribution of teachers in various regions.
In some schools there is a shortage of teachers, but in others there are kebelihan sokolah teacher. To that end, the best solution to overcome this problem, is to do the arrangement and distribution of teachers.
Teachers in an excessive amount of school, moved to schools that lack teachers. With the redistribution of teachers, students are expected to be served with the maximum.
"Structuring the teacher actually not always the redeployment of teachers, but could have increased mobility. So the teacher can teach in several schools at once," he said.
But structuring and equity is not without consequences. Not easy to persuade teachers to move to rural areas. Even in the equalization program previously dulakukan teachers in Gorontalo, there are teachers who are going to PTUN-right incumbent since moved to schools in remote areas.
"There is a view, teachers transferred to other schools especially in rural areas, are usually involved in the case, no problem. Nah this is now to be straightened. Teachers move was not for the benefit of teachers, but the orientation must be directed to the interests of students," he said.
Day explained, the conditions in Purbalingga, the education budget is allocated in the budget, is already quite high. Namely, reaching 48 percent of the budget. But 48 percent of the budget funds allocated for education, 87 percent is used to pay teachers.
"So if the issue of teacher shortages developed, and anticipated by adding a teacher, this will only further burden the budget," he said.
Therefore, the most appropriate step is to equitable distribution of teachers. With the equity, then there is no longer a shortage of teachers teaching hours.
Thus, this distribution also improve the welfare of teachers, because teaching hours were crucial credit score and also allowance for rank certification.
In front of the relevant officials in the Regency Purbalingga, Today show video success of the arrangement and distribution of teachers in Gorontalo and Purworedjo. In those districts, managed to maintain equity structuring teacher education quality and disparities number of rural and urban teachers can be minimized.
"And most importantly, the efficiency of the budget will be felt. Budget can be maximized for operating costs and improving the quality of education," he asserted.

Reporter: Eko Widiyatno
Editor: Djibril Muhammad


Teacher Incentive Fund Paud least Rp 1 million per month

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KARAWANG - Karawang regency, plans to raise teacher incentive fund early childhood education (early childhood) in 2014.
The early childhood teacher incentives, the future minimum must Rp 1 million per month. Meanwhile, the teacher currently only get the greatest incentive of Rp 700 thousand per year.

Acting Secretary Teddy Rusfendi Karachi, said that during the early childhood teachers' salaries, except that civil servants are still very minimal. Although minimal, the district government seeks to give attention to them. One of them, by allocating a budget for early childhood teacher incentives.

"This year, approximately 1,200 early childhood teachers receive incentives from the district government," he said, told Reuters on Monday (22/7).

The incentive funds, as of January to June. With the amount of USD 352 500. Within a year, then they will get an incentive of Rp 705 rbiu.
Such incentives, is the first innovation and as a form of concern to teachers Paud Karawang regency. Previously, they did not get an incentive at all. They just received honoraria from each school.

Therefore, according to the instructions of the regent, in 2014, early childhood teacher incentive fund should go up. At a minimum, Rp 1 million per month. By doing so, Teddy continued, it would ask the head of the Department of Education and Bappeda more closely in planning aid.
Do not let any teacher who is not allocated, both institutionally and aid incentives. "Right now, the outlook is quite good early childhood. Educational institution, it is helping the government in educating the nation," he explained.

Chairman of the PKK which is also Mother Paud Karawang regency, Nurlatifah Ade Swara, said it is targeting in 2015, 75 percent of children have to follow Paud Falkirk. Therefore, education is very important, including, for early childhood.

"We appealed, so that children aged 0 to six years, Paud must come first," he said.

This educational institution, will provide an opportunity for children to play more focused again. Also to increase the carrying capacity of the motor skills of children and instill good morals early on.

Meanwhile, Head of Education, Youth and Sports Karawang, Agus Supriatman, say, before the district government has given BOPF (Care and Facility Operating Costs) to all Paud both formal and non-formal. Namely, the incentives they now receive. It was sourced from BOPF.

"In the future, in accordance with the instructions of the regents, kama will increase the incentive allocation," he explained.
Reporter: Nina Ita Winarsih
Editor: Djibril Muhammad

The Ministry of Education and Culture Allocates Rp2.4 Trillion for fostering early childhood

The Ministry of Education and Culture of the budget allocated Rp2, 40 trillion to coaching program Early Childhood Education, Non-Formal and Informal (PAUDNI) in 2013 were used for the expansion of services, public education, and improving the competence of teachers and Education.

"We are no longer providing support infrastructure, such as building a new unit or a new classroom. One of the measures taken is to optimize the existing infrastructure in the community to reach out to partners in order to empower the house of worship, such as mosques, churches or temples to develop early childhood institutions, "said Director General of PAUDNI Kemdikbud Lydia Freyani Hawadi in Jakarta on Thursday.

In 2013 will encourage the implementation of ECD-Integrative Holistic intelligence to optimize the appropriate stage of child development of the child, and provide readiness to follow further education.

From Rp2, 4 trillion of Rp 676.2 billion allocated for early childhood development with as many details as Rp324 billion from the budget allocated for Education Operational Aid (BOP) for 45,000 early childhood institutions and establish new 1,491 early childhood institutions in 2013. As for the teachers and coaching (teacher) PAUDNI allocated as much as Rp942, 1 billion.

"Although there is a grant to establish a new 1,491 early childhood institutions but has not been able to complete the One Village One early childhood programs. Till the end of 2012, there are 25 834 villages that do not have early childhood. Assuming, on average per year is allocated as many as 1,491 relief agency, the it took over 15 years for the entire village can be served, "said Lydia.

Until the end of December 2012, the percentage of children 0-6 years old who gained early childhood services reached 37.83 percent of the target of 37.81 percent or 100.05 percent is reached. Early childhood institutions continues to increase every year. Based Data Collection applications PAUDNI Directorate General, in 2011 there were 140 348 new early childhood institutions. Then in 2012 increased to 162 746 institutions.

Editor: Taufik Rachman

Sources: antara

Motivation 3

Happiness is a matter of decision.

Decide to be happy and do the things that you are happy and those who love you.

Motivation 2

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Feel the pinch of your fear, but still deliver it your plan.

Note, not a fear that will discourage you, but the decision not to act in the sense of it.

You feel as scared as everyone, but decided to act, be appointed to represent their interests and expectations.

And in that trust, keep in mind that you removed because of your kindness. Then baikkanlah hearts and lives of those who raised you.

That's what makes you an authoritative leader.

Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

Generating self Motivas

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As you read the requirements of this article are:
You have no children
You are not teenagers
You've grown.

Help yourself to progress and encouraged to change the beneficial frogs such as the following:

Motivation 1
Motivation 2
Motivation 3
Motivaton 4
Motivation 5
My dear
Starting from Now!
Stages to be traversed by the SUCCESS
Physical awareness towards spiritual beauty
May be Clean, Strong and dignified
Choose Your Spouse
Be Mototrik
Achieve success
WANITA dan HARTA adalah Jembatan SUKSES PRIA
DEGREES was not for treasure and Descendants

After that do not FORGET the real proof of the current action

Congratulations in Action


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Do not ever expect miracles,
Intend, Think, and Prove with action fulfill YOUR dreams
Evaluation in order not to repeat the mistakes the second time

Before you start reading this BLOG you must have FREEDOM first, only then can move on to the next session

Table of contents

On this blog, there are three main pilhan that can assist you in finding the insert that was so helpful in the life of each, please click on the division in order to continue this blog you will find

Motivation contains words that are strung together to form meaningful sentences that can encourage you in life, so that you do not want to ANGRY when working hard and uncomfortable when not followed by smartly managing. Motivation motivation that I can say in this blog contains the spirit of life in order not to hang yourself to God's creatures so did not experience disappointment, when you collect an expectation that it is expected that these creatures.

Education in this blog contains everything worth doing in this life for us who will be a candidate for the parents, then after we became parents to a man who devoted to God, pious and an advanced pair shalehah, produce offspring that are useful and to follow the crowd. Delivered education is education ever exemplified well by the pious of old, he became a good example for people to date that Prophet Muhammad SAW

3.informationThis blog provides information about the education and information of the history, state leaders and state leaders were successful his day

may your life be better than ever, and do not forget that the evaluation so as not to repeat it a second time


Cursing or swearing will cancel sustenance and begin the process harmed.

Because indeed,

Woe to the detractors.

Since this is the decree of God, then we will often be made to see a clear connection between swearing and loss or misfortune that we have experienced.

But indeed, most people do not pay attention.

Confidence to succeed

Optmis not equal to arrogant.

Confidence is respecting yourself a chance to succeed, but still ready to accept failure.

Sure it will not fail = arrogant, no prayer, no Hopefully for him, God does not play, he's feeling great and is very unlikely to fail.

Attitude is one of the biggest problems that dwarf the lives of many people.


Ooh ... love it beautiful ...


There is no necessity for
pay contract houses, electricity bills,
fix broken water pumps,
patient against the law to intervene,
wife is wasteful, or abusive husband,
who does not like their favorite,
and mutually keep sms and bbm.

That's why, if you fall in love,
make sure you fall in love
to the person who will remain
love you,
and that will keep your loved one.

The temporary surge of love,
if not maintained -
He will be togetherness
with the obligations

But if love kept
with patience and fidelity,
it became a place of togetherness
tercurahkannya-sustenance sustenance best
which is even more important than just money.