Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Starting from Now!

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Is the wait person before he became more powerful than the personal feeling lazy and doubts?

Some people are just waiting for the sense of sincerity to work diligently and hard. Just wait. But he felt it was trying just to wait.

But definitely do not need to wait is a weakness that will require life working hard at a time when too old to work.

People who are lazy in their youth will be forced to work hard in the frail elderly.

There have been many proven. Look around you.

Do not attempt to prove that we can be an example of a weak parent useless.

Lazy in youth is the cause of poverty in old age.

Just believe. Do not use yourself and your life to prove it.

Do not wait any longer.

Starting from Now!

May be Clean, Strong and dignified

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May be Clean, Strong and dignified
Not everyone who inherits wealth, deserve to be rich.

Like not all children of the poor, the poor will remain.

We are pemantas ourselves to the success we want.

No man can become rich, rank, and fame - which can last a long time in the quality of it, if she does not maintain her decorum.

Money does not automatically make someone respectable, like poverty does not automatically make it contemptible.

The glory of the soul and sincerity to work for the happiness of others is the true degree of improvement.

May God reward your honesty and hard work,
to exalt you,
in a loving family,
in a brilliant career,
and prosperous life.


It should be pointed out that activities carried Ramdahan month

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Early on we impart to them the activities that should be conducted in the month of Ramadan, so ingrained in them it is a must do activity for God is not karean forced. 

The activities which our examples are the face of the meal before the first day in the evening we demonstrated with prayer circumcision obligatory pilgrimage TARWIH after evening prayers in congregation, Stages are as follows:

After giving we demonstrated how to perform ablutions and prayer intentions to even read silently but teap be read properly, its intention is as follows:

When his own:

When the congregation then his intentions:
usholli sunnatattarawihi rak’ataini mustaqbilalqiblati ma-muman lillahi ta’ala

When a priest then his intentions:
usholli sunnatattarawihi rak’ataini mustaqbilalqiblati Imaamaan lillahi ta’ala

Then do Tarwih accordance with the ideology held by 2 cycles greetings, greetings 4 cycles, if you can not see or know how to pray Salat further guidance is addressed this:

2.How to complete the readings and prayer movement

Doing tadarus Al Quran so that they hear and listen and record readings from the readings that we submit to the good and right according to the rules in the science of recitation
Lead If we as men as heads of families in reading the Quran verse by verse with the first example, then rotate one after the other family members, fix if someone expects to be fixed with the blessing of Allah SWT.

Feel free men in the house when it turns out no one can read the Qur'an led by women

sleep to relax the body

Wake up third last night continued with prayers tahajut 

Then do Tahajut accordance with the ideology held by 2 cycles greetings, greetings 4 cycles, Then cover with witr 3 cycles (2 cycles and greetings, and a greeting cycles), 

The value of prayer Tahajud:

and there are cycles juga3 greetings) 

Witr prayer intentions: 

If you can not see or know how to pray Salat further guidance is addressed this:

How to complete the readings and prayer movement

Rest and eat the meal prepared 

Before eating a meal then impart to our children in advance his intention, namely:

Nawaytu Shauma Ghadin 'An Adaa i Fardhi Syahri Ramdhaana Haadzihis Sanati lillaahi ta'aalaa

Then with a potluck meal and taste, Body and Spirit in order to be ready to fight against yourself
Followed by performing the dawn prayer in congregation 

Learn more complete prayer guidance...
Keeping away from the canceling Fasting in doing activities during the day to break the fast 

Here we embed the activities that is focused on approaches to GOD Almighty, rather than to love His creation, namely:

Clean up the fouled Heart, Tongue, and our actions can lead us away from GOD Almighty dlakukan between and prior to the following activities:

Enforce the Sunnah Prayer Duha
Noon Prayer enforce mandatory
Enforcing Mandatory Asr Prayers

Especially as a father give a good example in the month of Ramadan dismiss their routine activities (been prepared 11 months earlier) and reproduce more attention to the family, because his wife and children are entrusted GOD, if neglected, is it possible to expect his blessing?.

As a mother / wife make us role models for our children

Breaking with joy for the gift of Allah SWT
Hasten breaking the spiritual and physical, starting with the following intentions:

Hasten breaking the spiritual and physical, starting with the following intentions:
Keep away from the temptation of Satan Cs, then Break your fast with a meal and a drink for our physical and spiritual sharing to us

Enforcing Mandatory Maghrib Prayer

Isha quick break waiting time

Physical awareness towards spiritual beauty

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Compassionate soul.
Soul harmony.
Complicated soul.

Clear physical consciousness, the soul will move towards clean,
Spiritual beauty of silence, changing move towards a clean soul.

Net soul will emit Compassion.
Net soul will thrill Budi Luhur.