Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Instill early on in reading the five obligatory prayers worship

1.Reading when standing upright

Silent and calm focus to start the Prayer, Reading when standing upright
Silent and calm focus to start the prayer, and then intends to myself (but when to teach it to say clearly) in accordance with the prayer to be performed are:

Morning prayer intentions:

Ushalli Fardhal Shubhi Rak'atayni Mustaqbilal Qiblati adaa An makmuumaan or imaamaan Lillaahita'aalaa

Noon Prayer Intentions

Ushallii Fardhuzh Zhuhri Arba'a Rakta'aatin Adaa an lillaahita'aala

Asr Prayer Intentions

Ushalli Fardhal 'Ashri Arba'a Raka'aatin Adaa an lllaahi ta'aalaa

intention evening prayers

Ushallii fardhal Maghribi tsalaa tsa raka'aatn mustaqbilal qiblati Adaa an Makmuumaan or Imaamaan Lillaahi Ta'aalaa

Isha Prayer Intentions'

Ushallii Fardhal 'isyaa i Arba'a raka'aatn Adaa an lillaahi Ta'aalaa

2.Held up both hands and reading time takbiratul Ihram

Allaahu Akbar
3. Put the palms on the chest with the palm of his right hand holding his left hand, then read:
Kabiiran walhamulillaahi katsiiran wasubhaanallaah bukratan wa ashiilaan

Innii Wajahtu Wajhiya lillazii fataras Samaa Waati Walardha Haniifan Muslimaan Wamaa Anaa minal Musyrikiina

Innashalaatii Wanusukii wamahyaaya Wamamaatii Lillaahi rabbil 'Aalamiin

Laa Syariikalaahu Wabizaa lika Umirtu Wa Anaa minal Muslmiina

4.Read Al Fatiha with a clear voice properly

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim
Alhamdulillaahi Rabil 'Aalamiin
Ar-Rahmaanir Rahiim
Maalikiyau Middiin
Iyyaa kana' budu Waiyyaa kansta'in
Ihdnash Shirathal Mustaqiim
Shiraathal Laziina an'amta 'alaihim
Ghairil Maghduu bi'alaihim, Waladhaalliin

and read Allaahu Akbar

5.Reading while bowing
and read

Subhaana Rabbiyal 'Aziimi Wabihamdihi , read a third time

and read Sami'allahuliman Hamidah

6.Held up both hands and Reading i'tidal

Rabbanaa Lakalhamdu Wamil ussamaawaati wamil ul ardhi Wamil umaa Syikta Min Syayiin Ba'du

and read Allaahu Akbar

7.Reading while prostrating

Subhaana Rabbiyal A'laa Wabihamdihi, read a third time then read Allahu Akbar

and read Allaahu AKbar
8.Reading while sitting between the two prostrations

Rabbil Firlii Warhamnii Wajburnii
Warfa'nii Warzuknii Wahdnii
Wa'aa finii Wa'fu'annii

and read Allaahu Akbar

9.Reading at the end Tasyhud

Attahiyyaatul Mubaara kaatush Shalawaatut Thayyibaatul Lillaahi
Assalamu'alaika Ayyuhan Nabiyyu Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu
Assalaamu'alainaa Wa'alaa 'ibaadillaahis Shaalihiin
Asyhadu Anlaa Ilaaha illallaahu Wa Asyhadu Annamuhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuululhu

Allaahuma Shalli 'Alaa Muhammadin Wa'ala Aali Muhammadin Kamaa Shallayta 'Alaa Aali
Ibraahima. Wabaarik 'Alaa Muhammadin Wa'Alaa Aali Muhammadin Kamaa Barakta 'Alaa Aali
Ibraahiima. Fil'aalamiina Innaka Hamiidum Majiidun

and read Reading when first greeting:

Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh

then closed with regards second reading:

Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh


Keep in mind:
For parents who would follow the example of prayer just as we have mastered over the course up first how to read the Qur'an, like you I coud do not like-what it is first. Please go to this link address to learn to read Al Aqur'an

Please read further to know how to pray the obligatory prayers and circumcision ..

Worship in the religion ISLAM

Before proceeding to the next step, prove that the Muslims can read Quran properly so that it will only be proved by referring to the Qur'an tu be saved, because:
Believe God is the only God and Muhammad is His Messenger so willing to learn the Qur'an. like that can not just learn it at the following link:

First of all we should do about the doctrinal Allah is the only God and Muhammad is His Messenger, the next thing to do is to teach the following:

1.How to Prays
Before carrying out the prayers we must implement Wudu 'first then we start praying, to know the stages in berwuduk lebh please read ... of Wudu

Early on our parents instilled in them that a Muslim tu obey the commands of Allah and carry out, where we cited literature readings and prayer movements in general include:

  1. Stand up straight and then read the intention (in the liver)
  2. Raised both hands, and then read takbiratul Ihram and reciting prayers iftitah described (in the liver), and then continued reading al fatiha harden properly and recommended plus reading the verses of the Quran is also well-defined and properly
  3. Second hand pick and read takbiratul ihram
  4. perform Ruku, then read the prayer bow, then pick two hands
  5. Read sami'allaahuliman hamidah, memabca do i'tidal, then read takbiratul ihram
  6. Prostration, prostration prayer read, then read takbiratul ihram
  7. do they sit between the two prostrations, and reciting prayers, reading alu takbiratul ihram
  8. Sitting Tasyhut end, and read prayers, reading the first greeting, looking away to the right, and then closed by reading greetings, looking away to the left

After prayers do we want to pray according to, Stages in prayer please read more ...

2.How Fasting

There are two main activities that need uta we demonstrated to our children, namely:
Activities at night
Activities during the day

To be more explicit please read more ...

3.Way to tithe
The aim of instilling early on in terms of Zakat is issued separately cultivate in themselves to deliver deposited with the trust of God to us in accordance with our conditions of that time, so we do not let it pile up and deposit taken forcibly by which entrust to us

for more details please read further

4.Way Up Hajji
Hajji pilgrimage is because top INVITATION GOD, therefore we invite them early on to save as tangible evidence of his actions, so ingrained in them that berhajji it is mandatory for every human being. Physically savings is we allow our bodies doing the will of our spiritual pillar of Islam to continue to perform regularly and continuously

silanhkan read more for more details


Utility independence in CONVERSATION, if not SHUT
SIGHT independent in that vision, if not close your
independent in the sense of smell odorous Lord, if not ignore
HEARING independence in which the Lord invites if not do not listen

start of the three media delights in our SELF are:
ORAL who delivered that have the desired
HAND TALK embodies the ruling, hearing, smell, and SIGHT

Let young people in Indonesia Merdeka yourself spending your life ration, already nearly 67 years we have freed from colonialism that other party, but we have not become SELF INDEPENDENT CAN own. Do they need to be approached again here in order to be motivated to change?


Simplicity is actually a very beautiful property.

In the simplicity of the one, all the beauty of standing.

Without an honest simplicity, grandeur whatever quality is just temporary, which will collapse in regret and shame

Motivation 5


Be patient.

That now you feel as a painful sacrifice, actually the fees you have to pay for a better life and stronger in the future.

Be patient. Future more peaceful, airy, and lend your heart will come.

Be patient. There is no good that can be accomplished without patience you.

Motivation 4

God, the one I wake tomorrow morning in the life of a peaceful, healthy, loving, nice and smooth and sustenance.

About my concerns, let me not know my future, but help me up in a future of peace and rich.

And I pray God, a success at me as young as possible, so a lot and soon I was doing for my parents happiness.


Always be in front and above ability.
Being greedy self disudutnya blackened.
Desire, as there is no clear boundary dikehidupan.

Find where the Point desire, met with Him.
Knowing point want to meet Him in the Form.
It baraqah, the grace of the Supreme UNIVERSE.

Good intentions are not enough to Goodness.
New Physical Peniatan pray.
True intentions are not enough to Truth.


True love is who has lived and owned in various exam