Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

DEGREES was not for treasure and Descendants

Not everyone who inherits wealth, deserve to be rich, so are all the children of the poor, the poor will remain. We are obliged to perform for the success we want.

To date I have not found a reference in the Al Qur'an can be a rich person, rank, and fame can last a long time in a quality that, if he does not maintain and care for him.

Money does not automatically make someone respectable, does not have the money does not automatically make it contemptible. The glory of the soul and sincerity to work for the happiness of others is the true degree of improvement.

When you have done that Insha Allah, the Lord reward your honesty and hard work to the following:
RIGHT Elevating your degree, in a loving family, a great career and a prosperous life. Remember there is no one else that you CAN lose except by His will

If not then you have chosen an alliance with the devil that will experience the following:
Allah will lower your degree, in a family full of hell, unclear career, and in life confusing. Remember there is no one else who CAN you lift except by His will


Actual status is intended to be useful for our brothers in far away there, thank you for sorting out properly according to current conditions, this status can also cater for whatever good thing, especially for our brothers in the following circumstances:
Shortage of physical and spiritual
Physical advantages but lack of Spiritual
Physical deficiency but excess physical,

More to quasi lack of order status can be used by the public are as follows:

Celibate For many argue that women are now on matre, it turns out it is we get along a lot less than it used to when she was a gold digger.

Then how we can be good for those who are still able to get a bachelor of fine ladies what that must be selected?, You do not think it is the best option because it is good too, they are also so!. because according to my experience, before I got married, I guess all her gold digger, it turns out ... correct!.

My wife like Sita Indrawati also like it, because if he does not force it gently to succeed financially, his family threatened emergency grew by a healthy, cheerful, and a broad look at the world.

The woman was a real leader in our family. He is advanced for Us School and Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced for our children, better our hard earn money much beyond than our wives a little hard to manage money from us in a great household

So INAPPROPRIATE women choose men who are smarter, more diligent work, higher ideals, and a bigger and clearer plans?

So how kids next bachelor?

Do not be denied again and prove to your lady soon following:
That you should be the first choice for women as well as possible.
Learn to properly
big dreams
work-hard at you in honesty
Make yourself a good person and friendly to your neighbor.

How long should I wait?, It's up to perform at this time to act. If you are lazy, your success long.

If you procrastinate, the further your success.

And if you prefer to avoid work, then your success hidden somewhere.

Oh boy footman was not successful because of the Lord, but the Lord waiting for trying a new, He gives you requested. If you do not try, then the Lord will wait. God is All-Forbearance, so he'll wait until whenever. So do not think that the decision of the Lord. Note that in the decision.

achieve success

How to achieve success began to appear
when you decide to act
despite not knowing how to succeed.

Be Mototrik

There are currently feels chaotic life, everything vibrates indistinct, blurred in the dark in front of the rear, not clear what you want, and freezes seem safer than moving, listen to this ...

Be still for a moment, and please allow yourself to be nothing for a while ...

Then ... ask this to yourself:

Possible, is it possible that the rigidity of life that I feel this because I do not move?

Because, for those who do not move, life is chaotic and confusing.

But, if I move with rhythmic direction and pace of life, everything will sound and look like beautiful music and dance,

So, let's say ...

I'm going to move, because it is better because it falls within the movement broke out, rather than rotting in paralysis.

I was born to move and designed for forward movement, and not to freeze in fear.

I'm going to move, run, and jump with the greatest strength.

I could not jump over the gulf as wide as three jumps, with three small jumps.

Because, as to whether the power to repay laze on the way down?

I have to jump with a leap to the whole muscle strength and soul.

Joint movements, heeding his life for me.

I was driving life.

Choose Your Spouse

Choose a man / woman look beautiful without ornament.
That man / woman is indeed beautiful.