Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Teachers Agree There Auction Title Principal

Teachers Agree There Auction Title Principal

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - After holding the position or promotion selection auction is open to village chiefs, provincial government (Government) DKI Jakarta will also hold an auction for the post of principal. So, how do the teachers about the plan?

Chaeruddin, Head Elementary School 02 Lower Dam, Central Jakarta plans auction to support that position. According to him, through an auction mechanism, the principal elected later that people actually have the ability to lead the school.

"I agree 100 percent because it's for quality improvement. Moreover, it's an auction based on performance, not based on money," he said that only two years as head of the school, on Monday (15/7).

Chaeruddin judge, the selection of existing principals have been less transparent. Therefore, the principal candidates elected directly by the superintendent of the local district education office to take the test.
However, through the auction, he said, all teachers can take the test for qualified, and from there it can be seen who is potentially.

The bespectacled man confessed, he could be the beginning of the school principal because elected to outstanding teachers. For his achievement, he included in the selection of school principals.

If you look at the selection before district and village heads, sure Chaeruddin principal office auction will also be successful. "I'm also ready for selection again if I have to," he who has 32 ​​years as a teacher.

Other teachers, Tobi, also claimed to agree with the principal office of discourse auction. Nevertheless, he was a little disappointed not to be able to follow the selection, because they existed as part-time teachers. "Pray, yes so I quickly removed," he said.

Reporter: Halimatus Sa'diyah
Editor: Djibril Muhammad

Structuring Teachers Do More Urgent

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PURBALINGGA - The issue of the problem of shortage of teachers, the possibility is not entirely true.
Priority USAID Governance Specialist, Day Riyadi, argued, fundamental data berdasatkan education (Dapondik) in the Ministry of Education of Indonesia, Indonesia experienced a surplus.
"It's not much, only about 500 excess teachers. But this shows that we are not a shortage of teachers," he said, in Purbalingga, Friday (19/7).
Based on this data, if mentioned in one area there is a shortage of teachers, it is actually happening is more due to the uneven distribution of teachers in various regions.
In some schools there is a shortage of teachers, but in others there are kebelihan sokolah teacher. To that end, the best solution to overcome this problem, is to do the arrangement and distribution of teachers.
Teachers in an excessive amount of school, moved to schools that lack teachers. With the redistribution of teachers, students are expected to be served with the maximum.
"Structuring the teacher actually not always the redeployment of teachers, but could have increased mobility. So the teacher can teach in several schools at once," he said.
But structuring and equity is not without consequences. Not easy to persuade teachers to move to rural areas. Even in the equalization program previously dulakukan teachers in Gorontalo, there are teachers who are going to PTUN-right incumbent since moved to schools in remote areas.
"There is a view, teachers transferred to other schools especially in rural areas, are usually involved in the case, no problem. Nah this is now to be straightened. Teachers move was not for the benefit of teachers, but the orientation must be directed to the interests of students," he said.
Day explained, the conditions in Purbalingga, the education budget is allocated in the budget, is already quite high. Namely, reaching 48 percent of the budget. But 48 percent of the budget funds allocated for education, 87 percent is used to pay teachers.
"So if the issue of teacher shortages developed, and anticipated by adding a teacher, this will only further burden the budget," he said.
Therefore, the most appropriate step is to equitable distribution of teachers. With the equity, then there is no longer a shortage of teachers teaching hours.
Thus, this distribution also improve the welfare of teachers, because teaching hours were crucial credit score and also allowance for rank certification.
In front of the relevant officials in the Regency Purbalingga, Today show video success of the arrangement and distribution of teachers in Gorontalo and Purworedjo. In those districts, managed to maintain equity structuring teacher education quality and disparities number of rural and urban teachers can be minimized.
"And most importantly, the efficiency of the budget will be felt. Budget can be maximized for operating costs and improving the quality of education," he asserted.

Reporter: Eko Widiyatno
Editor: Djibril Muhammad


Teacher Incentive Fund Paud least Rp 1 million per month

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KARAWANG - Karawang regency, plans to raise teacher incentive fund early childhood education (early childhood) in 2014.
The early childhood teacher incentives, the future minimum must Rp 1 million per month. Meanwhile, the teacher currently only get the greatest incentive of Rp 700 thousand per year.

Acting Secretary Teddy Rusfendi Karachi, said that during the early childhood teachers' salaries, except that civil servants are still very minimal. Although minimal, the district government seeks to give attention to them. One of them, by allocating a budget for early childhood teacher incentives.

"This year, approximately 1,200 early childhood teachers receive incentives from the district government," he said, told Reuters on Monday (22/7).

The incentive funds, as of January to June. With the amount of USD 352 500. Within a year, then they will get an incentive of Rp 705 rbiu.
Such incentives, is the first innovation and as a form of concern to teachers Paud Karawang regency. Previously, they did not get an incentive at all. They just received honoraria from each school.

Therefore, according to the instructions of the regent, in 2014, early childhood teacher incentive fund should go up. At a minimum, Rp 1 million per month. By doing so, Teddy continued, it would ask the head of the Department of Education and Bappeda more closely in planning aid.
Do not let any teacher who is not allocated, both institutionally and aid incentives. "Right now, the outlook is quite good early childhood. Educational institution, it is helping the government in educating the nation," he explained.

Chairman of the PKK which is also Mother Paud Karawang regency, Nurlatifah Ade Swara, said it is targeting in 2015, 75 percent of children have to follow Paud Falkirk. Therefore, education is very important, including, for early childhood.

"We appealed, so that children aged 0 to six years, Paud must come first," he said.

This educational institution, will provide an opportunity for children to play more focused again. Also to increase the carrying capacity of the motor skills of children and instill good morals early on.

Meanwhile, Head of Education, Youth and Sports Karawang, Agus Supriatman, say, before the district government has given BOPF (Care and Facility Operating Costs) to all Paud both formal and non-formal. Namely, the incentives they now receive. It was sourced from BOPF.

"In the future, in accordance with the instructions of the regents, kama will increase the incentive allocation," he explained.
Reporter: Nina Ita Winarsih
Editor: Djibril Muhammad

The Ministry of Education and Culture Allocates Rp2.4 Trillion for fostering early childhood

The Ministry of Education and Culture of the budget allocated Rp2, 40 trillion to coaching program Early Childhood Education, Non-Formal and Informal (PAUDNI) in 2013 were used for the expansion of services, public education, and improving the competence of teachers and Education.

"We are no longer providing support infrastructure, such as building a new unit or a new classroom. One of the measures taken is to optimize the existing infrastructure in the community to reach out to partners in order to empower the house of worship, such as mosques, churches or temples to develop early childhood institutions, "said Director General of PAUDNI Kemdikbud Lydia Freyani Hawadi in Jakarta on Thursday.

In 2013 will encourage the implementation of ECD-Integrative Holistic intelligence to optimize the appropriate stage of child development of the child, and provide readiness to follow further education.

From Rp2, 4 trillion of Rp 676.2 billion allocated for early childhood development with as many details as Rp324 billion from the budget allocated for Education Operational Aid (BOP) for 45,000 early childhood institutions and establish new 1,491 early childhood institutions in 2013. As for the teachers and coaching (teacher) PAUDNI allocated as much as Rp942, 1 billion.

"Although there is a grant to establish a new 1,491 early childhood institutions but has not been able to complete the One Village One early childhood programs. Till the end of 2012, there are 25 834 villages that do not have early childhood. Assuming, on average per year is allocated as many as 1,491 relief agency, the it took over 15 years for the entire village can be served, "said Lydia.

Until the end of December 2012, the percentage of children 0-6 years old who gained early childhood services reached 37.83 percent of the target of 37.81 percent or 100.05 percent is reached. Early childhood institutions continues to increase every year. Based Data Collection applications PAUDNI Directorate General, in 2011 there were 140 348 new early childhood institutions. Then in 2012 increased to 162 746 institutions.

Editor: Taufik Rachman

Sources: antara

Motivation 3

Happiness is a matter of decision.

Decide to be happy and do the things that you are happy and those who love you.

Motivation 2

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Feel the pinch of your fear, but still deliver it your plan.

Note, not a fear that will discourage you, but the decision not to act in the sense of it.

You feel as scared as everyone, but decided to act, be appointed to represent their interests and expectations.

And in that trust, keep in mind that you removed because of your kindness. Then baikkanlah hearts and lives of those who raised you.

That's what makes you an authoritative leader.